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Success stories

Anna Corso

“While walking I get tired very easily, after a while I drag my leg and then I have to stop because I stumble or fall to the ground. With ExoBand I don’t have these difficulties, on the contrary, it helps me overcome them quite well. My leg feels very light, I even go faster. I can walk for an hour or an hour and a half without problems.”

Bernardo Bernardini

“I tried ExoBand and I was really happy with it as it greatly increases pelvic stability and knee lift, both while walking and running. The biggest difference is in the rolling of the foot which is no longer flat but is placed laterally, and my posture is much more natural. I felt safe as I was able to manage my pelvis even better, which is a critical point of mine.”

Benito Piasentin

“The first time I had to stop three times and I did maybe 300 meters. This morning I managed to do almost 600 meters without stopping and I noticed a marked improvement in my walk and posture. Some problems have almost completely disappeared”.

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